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Retail accounts

Note: Documentation for these "Hedera Stats" are currently being developed.

A "retail account" is essentially an active account that is neither a developer account nor a smart contract account. This category is determined after identifying active and developer accounts, as well as distinguishing active smart contracts.


Hgraph calculates hedera_stats_retail_accounts every 5 minutes.



  • Active Accounts: Already calculated as the number of unique accounts that initiate at least one transaction within a given time period.
  • Developer Accounts: Already calculated as the number of unique accounts that create or update smart contracts, create or update topics, or create/mint/update tokens within that same timeframe.
  • Active Smart Contracts: Identified as unique smart contract entities that have performed one or more actions (e.g., contract calls) during the same timeframe.

Calculation Steps:

  • Start with the total number of Active Accounts for the chosen period.
  • Subtract the number of Developer Accounts (as previously defined).
  • Subtract the number of Active Smart Contract Accounts (those representing deployed contracts executing operations).


Retail Accounts = Active Accounts - (Developer Accounts + Active Smart Contracts)

Code examples

some code example here