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General questions

Do you offer a free plan?

Yes. Get started with our console.

What are Hedera mirror nodes?

Hedera, the open-source, leaderless “hashgraph” DLT employs a unique architecture. The network features separate node types for read and write, creating greater efficiency. Consensus nodes facilitate “write” transactions and mirror nodes facilitate “read” requests. Hgraph owns and operates hardware mirror nodes. Read this article to learn more about Hedera mirror nodes and how Hgraph empowers the "other half" of the Hedera network.

Is Hgraph cloud based?

Hgraph owns and operates it’s own bare-metal hardware infrastructure. We utilize cloud technology for enhanced data analytics.

What other services does Hgraph provide?

You can learn more about our services on this page. If you need software engineering services, use this form.

I need support!

Not to worry, you can learn more about how to contact us and open a ticket on this page.